Tuesday, May 20, 2008

YouTube says it won't remove most Al-Qaeda videos

YouTube has told Senator Lieberman that it will leave it up to its viewers to help remove Al-Qaeda terrorist videos. In an open letter, Lieberman demanded that YouTube immediately remove thousands of videos because they clearly intended “to encourage violence against the West”. YouTube in its public blog post says hundreds of thousands of videos are uploaded everyday and that it cannot arbitrarily remove one group's videos.

In the open letter to Google head Eric Schmidt, Lieberman demanded that all of the Al-Qaeda videos be immediately removed (even the nonviolent ones). Schmidt and the YouTube team did actually remove many of the violent videos, but left all of the non-violent videos. Most people just preferr jokes and funny videos. “Users are always free to express their disagreement with a particular video on the site, by leaving comments or their own response video. That debate is healthy,” said Schmidt.

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