Sunday, January 20, 2008

Get Videos of Your choice is an amazing site. It’s not untill I look back through my website and see how many cool videos I’ve posted - all from you tube, for free!

Wanna watch lots of previews and excerpts of liberal, communist propaganda by way of YouTube ? An estimate as to the number of amazing videos expected for the latest infusion was not given, though by the look of the PBS channel’s current subscribership (3,229 as of 6:28PM EST), a great many more would not be too alluring to new viewers. The page’s maintenance crew might wish to buck convention and exercise some conservatism when hitting them upload buttons.

But there is a fatal flaw in PBS’s You Tube presentation: the ever-present and ever-annoying time limit. Because video clips cannot run north of 10 minutes in length, the PBS experience (a measured, non-sound-byte-driven atmosphere) is effectively dismembered. And that’s a terrible thing. How could anyone be satisfied with an incomplete Charlie Rose conversation?

Perhaps YouTube’s administrators should begin to weigh the option of removing barriers at the request of premium content providers. It’s time that users be given the chance to once again view media as it was meant to be.

An estimate as to the number of videos expected for the latest infusion was not given, though by the look of the PBS channel’s current subscribership (3,229 as of 6:28PM EST), a great many more would not be too alluring to new viewers. The page’s maintenance crew might wish to buck convention and exercise some conservatism when hitting them upload buttons. - Bringing the best YouTube videos to you!.

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