Wednesday, April 22, 2009

YouTube video: Earth Day 2009: Do environmental rights = human rights?

What images come to mind when you think of human rights? Pictures of torture, unjust detention, police brutality, political persecution? Or do you think about climate change? What about when you think of the environmental movement? Do you picture oceans, forests, whales, butterflies? Or do you think about people?

Although the environmental and human rights movements are sometimes perceived as two different things - especially in many developed countries like the United States - in much of the world they are closely intertwined. Ad: Funny YouTube videos at

In March 2009, two WITNESS staff members Kelly Matheson and Priscila Neri traveled to the annual meeting of the Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide to speak activists from around the world about this connection. We asked them: do environmental rights = human rights?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The video is fabulous! And the people it showcases are true environmental heroes working with few resources and fighting for protection of their communities and the environment.