Friday, February 15, 2008

Feb. 15, 2005: YouTube' second birthday

The video-sharing site, founded by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim, has, in three short years, become the third-most-visited website worldwide, trailing only Yahoo and YouTube's parent company, Google.

The site's popularity has not gone unnoticed by American political candidates, including those currently running for president. Everyone from Hillary to Barack to John to Mike has a YouTube presence, and one candidate, Republican Ron Paul, began his quest for the White House with a campaign limited almost exclusively to the internet.

YouTube's reach is enormous. There are a lot of funniest online videos. Although exact numbers are unavailable, YouTube (which is available in 12 languages) has millions of registered users and a constantly expanding video archive believed to top 100 million files.

Check out YouTube dedicated website.

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