Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Favorite YouTube Videos and some Microsoft news

UTUBE: You wouldn't mistake the "electro-synth spaz group" Yip Yip, with their checkered bodysuits and homemade multifunctional music consoles, for the average local bar band. But they're not all form and no function; this band's music practices what their outfits preach.

Microsoft has been struggling to make an impact in online video, and is hoping that by increasing the amount of 'big brand' content on its site it can attract larger audiences. In the UK, only 735,000 users visited MSN video in December, according to Nielsen Online, whereas more than ten million went to U-Tube.

Announcing deals with Sony BMG and MTV Networks that will deliver music and other videos to its MSN platform, Microsoft said that it was hoping to cash in on the growing online video advertising market, which it expected would be the fastest growing category of adverts on the web "for the forseeable future."

As one might suspect, the list includes some real gems: Pickle Surprise, Rev. X on the "Spirit of Truth," JacMac & RadBoy, Devo on Live at Five (below), a response to "YouTube's System Is Totally Flawed," Christopher Hitchens on Jerry Falwell's Death, a Cardiacs video, and video art from Nam June Paik.

YouTube, which was visited by 122 million people in December, already has deals with the major record labels which let them take a cut of advertising revenue resulting from visits to their channels on the site.

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